APRIL 15, 2014 – Towsley Canyon Loop

April 14, 2014

For 10 years, every attempt to cache nearby Towsley Canyon fell through. Once, I was ready to go with keys in hand. Then I checked my PC one last time…and saw a series of 35 new urban caches pop up in the east SFV. Another time I actually got there and suddenly didn’t feel like caching because of the heat.
040514_01_signThis time it was cool and breezy and I really really needed a hike. So I joined deeznutz®, capdude, Foocachers & sissopolis on a clockwise loop.
Only a few minutes in we arrived at Don’t Be Crude (GCHJYK). Oil bubbled up a few feet away from the container which we found in poison oak. I’ve seen similar natural oil seeps elsewhere in the Santa Susana Mountains. The one here was the bubbliest of them all.
The trail became steep. Dodging numerous muggles and finding caches along the way, we reached the top and looked down on the 5 fwy and Santa Clarita.
Every cacher has good caching days and bad ones. This day was great for sissopolis. She found cache after cache while the rest of us found a few each.
The descent wasn’t too severe. The view was especially good here.
The bottom was a canyon with interesting rock formations. It was here that I saw the first flowing water on a hike in many months.
The canyon opened up to the exit road where we found Precarious Perch (GC1945K). It really was precarious.
I got much needed exercise and logged 13 finds. Tnx siss for convincing me to go when I was wavering from mental tiredness.